Who We Are
Who We Are
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Since 1942 , the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.
Mission Statement:
As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.
Primary Targets
Nurturing Faith in Christ. We are committed to helping every woman find personal opportunities in her daily life and in her congregation to be nurtured in faith in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to discover her unique gifts and value in God’s family.
Making Our Mission Meaningful. We challenge and equip women of all ages, stages, ethnicities, and experiences to make a meaningful difference in the lives of hurting, helpless, and unbelieving people at home and throughout the world.
Sharing Encouragement. We believe that women value the friendship, support, and encouragement from other women and strive to offer warm, welcoming opportunities for women to grow in faith and relationships as sisters in Christ.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Lutheran Women in New England is to continue glorifying our God through acts of love, service and encouragement toward each other and those whose lives we touch.
Board of Directors
The LWML-NED Board of Directors is comprised of the elected officers, the Zone Presidents, chairmen of the standing committees, the Archivist-Historian, the Beacon Editor, and the News Circulation Manager. The LWML-NED Pastoral Counselors and the Parliamentarian are advisory members. The duty of the Board of Directors is to carry out the work and the program of the LWML-NED.
Meet the Board of Directors:
By What They Do – What Are Our Volunteer Jobs
Volunteer Position: President
The President’s Responsibilities:
- be the spokesperson for LWML-NED – all communication goes out through the President; be a “Cheerleader/Encourager” to all the women of the New England District; encourage our sisters to be in The Word, and to use their gifts in service to The Lord in all that they do;
- preside at all LWML-NED conventions and at all meetings of the LWML-NED Executive Committee and the Board of Directors; Prepare the convention script, convention programming, and meeting agendas;
- supervise the preparation of the district convention manual;
- be responsible for appointing chairmen of standing committees, appointed personnel, and special committees with the approval of the Executive Committee;
- be an ex-officio member of all departments and committees except the Nominating Committee;
- be responsible for the execution of all resolutions passed by the convention body, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee;
- present a report to the convention body, including activities of the LWML-NED Executive Committee and Board of Directors;
- represent the district at national LWML Board of Directors meetings and conventions; write district reports for the national Board of Directors meetings, attend all online/Webex meetings;
- receive credentials from delegates prior to LWML-NED conventions;
- receive credentials from the LWML-NED delegates prior to the national biennial LWML convention;
- issue membership charters to new societies;
- report all changes of LWML-NED officers to the LWML President, the LWML Recording Secretary, and the LWML office;
- attend at least one (1) event in each zone during the biennium;
- write a message for each issue of the Beacon;
- Proof read all LWML-NED materials, the Beacon, the PIO, Bulletin Bites, articles and information for the lwml-ned website, etc.
- to promote Christian fellowship and to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among the women of the LCMS through mission inspiration, mission education, and mission service; to promote the gathering of funds for the mission grants approved by boards of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod-New England District, especially those for which no adequate provisions have been made in the LCMS budget; to ensure the implementation of the programs and policies of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (hereinafter referred to as LWML).
- to attend and represent LWML-NED at all LCMS-NED Mission Board Meetings;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily
- respond to emails within 48 hours.
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Treasurer
The Treasurer’s Responsibilities:
- keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements;
- send thank you notes for each donation.; be an encourager.
- make monthly mite deposits. monthly send to LWML twenty-five (25) percent of Mite Box intake and retain seventy-five (75) percent in the LWML-NED treasury for payment of LWML-NED mission grants and use in the Administrative Fund;
- send updated mission goal information to the President and VP of Communications each month that is to be placed on the website and other forms of communication;
- make payments authorized by the Executive Committee;
- be bonded at the expense of the LWML-NED;
- submit records for financial review at the close of each fiscal year, and upon request of the Executive Committee;
- issue payments for adopted mission grants as authorized by the Executive Committee;
- supply Mite Boxes as requested by each organization;
- submit written reports to the district convention, Executive Committee, and Board of Directors;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours.
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention
Volunteer Position: Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary’s Responsibilities:
- keep a record of the proceedings of the district convention and the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors;
- provide, within three (3) weeks, each member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors a copy of all minutes of the board meetings and of the convention;
- provide each local society and individual member (see Article III, Section 4) with a copy of the minutes of the convention;
- provide the LWML President and the LWML Archivist-Historian with the required number of copies of the minutes of the convention;
- keep a file of policy motions and provide a copy for the LWML President
- keep a record of electronic voting; the secretary shall compile and maintain the complete thread of the motion and its disposition including all secondary and incidental motions; the secretary shall prepare minutes of the vote; These minutes shall be approved at the next regular meeting;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Vice President of Christian Life
Vice President of Christian Life’s Responsibilities:
- may perform the duties of the office of the LWML-NED President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President;
- shall be coordinator for the Christian Life Department;
- shall encourage active participation in spiritual development programs, plan retreats and workshops for the LWML sisters in Christ
- shall, in conjunction with the LWML-NED President and BOD, provide retreat coordination, programming, and materials;
- shall provide training in kingdom work, and present suggestions and offer advice for conducting Spiritual Life programs
- shall report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors;
- shall present a written report to the convention body, including department activities;
- shall maintain / keep current the Christian Life Department page on the LWML-NED website;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Vice President of Gospel Outreach
The Vice President of Gospel Outreach’s Responsibilities:
- may perform the duties of the office of the LWML-NED President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President;
- shall coordinate short term mission grant applications and church worker scholarships, and submit these applications for approval to the LWML-NED Board of Directors;
- shall be coordinator of the Mission Grants Department; whose committee shall present proposed grants to the Executive Committee and to the Board of Directors; presenting impartially the approved proposed grants to the convention body; submit reports to the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and the News Editor; submit a written report to the convention body on the progress of each adopted grant.
- shall serve as head teller for the mission grant proposals;
- shall present a written report to the convention body, including department activities;
- shall maintain / keep current the Gospel Out Reach Department page on the LWML-NED website;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Vice President of Special Focus Ministries
The Vice President of Special Focus Ministries’ Responsibilities:
- may perform the duties of the office of the LWML-NED President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President;
- shall in the event of any emergency or unexpected vacancy in the office of the LWML-NED President fill the temporary vacancy until an election is held by the Board of Directors;
- shall be coordinator of the Human Care Department; which shall alert members to the opportunities and challenges for mission service in the congregation, zone, district and community; encourage active participation in and provide materials and suggestions for a mission service program; maintain a list and status of foreign missionaries whose home base is within LCMS-NED and, if needed, render courtesy service to incoming and outgoing missionaries and their families; present a report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors;
- shall present a written report to the convention body, including department activities;
- shall maintain / keep current the Special Focus Ministries Department page on the LWML-NED website;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Vice President of Organizational Resources
The Vice President of Organizational Resources’ Responsibilities:
- may perform the duties of the office of the LWML-NED President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President;
- shall be authorized to sign checks for the Treasurer in an emergency and be bonded at the expense of the LWML-NED;
- shall be coordinator of the Servant Resources Department; which includes the Leader Development Committee, the Structure Committee, and the Young Woman Committee;
- shall encourage and equip women to reach out in love and provide materials and training to assist members in increasing leadership skills in LWML;
- shall assist the Structure Committee in reviewing the bylaws of the LWML-NED; submit to the Board of Directors for approval such amendments as it deems advisable; submit the required number of copies of proposed amendments/revisions to the LWML Structure Committee for approval; submit approved proposed amendments to the convention body; receive and examine zone bylaws and amendments, and approve when not in conflict with the LWML-NED;
- shall encourage young women to join and participate in LWML;
- present a report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors
- shall keep a record of membership;
- shall coordinate necessary mailings;
- shall present a written report to the convention body, including department activities;
- shall maintain / keep current the Organizational Resources Department page on the LWML-NED website;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Vice President of Communication
The Vice President of Communication’s Responsibilities:
- may perform the duties of the office of the LWML-NED President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President;
- shall be coordinator of the Communication Department; The purpose of the LWML-NED publication shall be to promote the object of the LWML; to further Christian growth and leadership; to inform the members of the progress of the work of the LWML-NED; to keep the membership informed of activities in the zones and organizations;
- shall be the coordinator of the Public Relations Committee; which will produce, for use within the organization, publicity and promotional materials related to the program and work of LWML; encourage and assist zones and societies to publicize and promote their programs and events; coordinate convention publicity and prepare convention manuals; prepare a display for the LCMS-NED convention;
- shall produce the monthly online LWML-NED enews letter ‘Pass It On”
- shall supervise publishing of the District news;
- shall present a written report to the convention body, including department activities;
- shall maintain / keep current the LWML-NED website;
- shall initiate/encourage/develop/supervise the use of social media within the lwml-ned district;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Beacon Editor
The Beacon Editor’s Responsibilities:
- shall work with the Vice President of Communication on the publication of the LWML-NED publication (Beacon);
- shall be a liaison with the zones for news for publication;
- be a voting member of the Board of Directors;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: News Circulation Manager
The News Circulation Manager’s Responsibilities:
- shall keep an accurate account of the number of Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and LWML-NED Publication subscriptions each organization or individual receives, and notify the News Editor of any changes;
- coordinate the mailing of the district newsletter;
- be a voting member of the Board of Directors
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Nominating Committee Chairman
The job of the nominating committee is to recruit qualified, active LWML members to serve as officers. One year before each convention the committee should seek to find at least on candidate for each office up for election at the next convention. The committee requests that each candidate fill out a biographical worksheet for the convention workbook. The Pastoral Counselor nominee must be approved by the LCMS-NED President. The committee presents the slate of candidates to the executive Committee at the winter meeting before the convention.
At the convention, the Chairman presents the slate of candidates to the delegates. The committee prepares the ballots, distributes them to the delegates and tallies the ballots. The Chairman reports the results to the convention voting body.
The Nominating Committee Chairman’s Responsibilities:
- shall coordinate the: recruitment of nominees who are active members of their local societies and zones; obtaining of written consent of all nominees to serve; submission of a slate of two (2) nominees, if possible, for each elective office; submission of the slate of candidates, with resumes, to the Executive Committee by January of the year of the district convention; preparation of the ballots with the names of the nominees for each office listed in alphabetical order; committee members distribution of the ballots to the delegates before voting at the convention.
- The chairman of the Nominating Committee shall present the slate of candidates to the LWML-NED convention and report the election results to the voting body before the close of convention.
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Archivist-Historian
The Archivist-Historian’s Responsibilities:
- keep a comprehensive history of the LWML-NED, adding and dating all materials received;
- compile a report for the convention manual and supply the LWML Archivist-Historian with a complete convention packet (manual, badge, “handouts”);
- submit an up-to-date history to the LWML Archivist-Historian and the LWML-NED President every biennium;
- be a voting member of the Board of Directors;
- serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for reappointment.
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian’s Responsibilities:
Parliamentarian (appointed personnel) shall:
- serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for reappointment;
- serve as advisor on parliamentary procedures upon request of the President, officers and individual members;
- serve as an ex-officio member of the Structure Committee;
- be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors – advisory member;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
Volunteer Position: Pastoral Counselors
The Pastoral Counselors shall be two (2) pastors of the LCMS-NED. The voting body shall elect one (1) Pastoral Counselor from a slate of two (2) candidates, approved by the LCMS-NED President. A majority vote shall determine the election. The term of office shall be four (4) years. One (1) counselor shall be elected at each convention. The newly elected Pastoral Counselor will, if possible, attend the LWML Convention at the expense of the LWML-NED
The Pastoral Counselor’s Responsibilities:
- Attend all district LWML conventions and district meetings of the board of directors, executive committee and other committees (as appointed by the district president) as an advisory member; also attend national LWML conventions as requested.
- counsel, support and pray with individual LWML district leaders and members.
- Prepare and lead Bible studies, devotions and prayers at meetings and write articles as requested.
- Report his activity to the district executive committee and/or board of directors.
- Install officers and assist in and/or prepare worship services for district conventions.
- Review the doctrinal content of all materials produced for use or publication by the district LWML.
- Advise the district mission grants committee and board of directors during review of mission grant proposals.
- Inform, encourage and advise LWML zone counselors.
- Pastoral Counselor will be ineligible for re-election.
- The Nominating Committee shall obtain written consent of the candidates to serve, if elected;
- serve the LWML-NED in an advisory capacity;
- attend the LWML-NED conventions and meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors as non-voting members;
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
Volunteer Position: Zone President
The Zone President is the leader /cheerleader/encourager” to all the women of the zone; assisting the zone accomplish it’s vision and purpose. The Zone President maintains within the zone a climate which will enable each woman and society to reach their full potential for service to God.
The Zone President’s Responsibilities:
- Preside at Zone Rallies/Gatherings/and other Zone meetings
- Appoint specific committees deemed necessary.
- Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee
- Serve on the New England District Board
- Provide information for the LWML publications.
- Ensure zone officers have the materials and information needed to perform their duties.
- Arrange for orderly and neat transfer of materials from outgoing officers
- Encourage societies to Host Rallies and Gatherings.
- Assist with the planning of Rallies and Gatherings.
- maintain internet access, check emails daily;
- respond to emails within 48 hours;
- attendance required at board meetings, zone events, retreat, district convention;
It is pretty awesome serving the Lord through LWML, an organization whose purpose is to assist each woman of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world!
If you feel God calling you to serve through LWML-NED, please fill out this below LWML-NED Personal Resources Profile form and send it to the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee does the rest; they will contact each person and ask that they prayerfully consider serving.